Do You Need Lab-Grade Flow Calibration?

Many modern industrial and commercial processes require high levels of flow calibration. This involves a wide range of gases, fluids, and even some looser solids.

Depending on the nature of the application, you may require flow calibration laboratory services to ensure safe and efficient operation. If you're deciding whether to invest in flow calibration lab services, consider these 5 reasons to do so.

Explosion Risks

Flow calibration is vital in industries where equipment can explode catastrophically and endanger lives and property. Companies in these industries tend to have insurance and legal liability exposure, too, so they often have to document their safety measures. Likewise, they may need to comply with regulatory standards.

Flow calibration laboratory services can go a long way toward mitigating these potential risks. Not only can you check flow within systems, but you also can use these services to calibrate your monitoring tools. If you use gauges and sensors along a series of pipes, for example, you'll need to know they're all properly calibrated.

Process Control

Many industries also need to calibrate flow to handle basic manufacturing processes. Pharmaceutical companies often control the chemicals in doses by injecting gases, fluids, or grains into molds. If these amounts are off even by a fraction of a percentage, the company could harm patients. Consequently, their manufacturing processes require very low tolerances when it comes to flow controls.

Leaks and Emissions

It is easy to focus on what goes into the system, but it's also important to test what comes out. Some industries can only allow certain levels of emissions, for example. Companies have to monitor emissions levels and check for possible leaks. If their flow monitors aren't well-calibrated, they may not catch a dangerous situation.


Particularly in industries that use metals and plastics, the manufacture of pieces is often largely flow-based. If you're extruding liquefied metals or plastics, controlling the flow rate is important to avoiding manufacturing defects. Even if the excess material doesn't create defects, there is a risk that poorly-calibrated systems will lead to significant inefficiency.

Filtration and Breathing Systems 

Finally, many filtration and breathing systems are based on laboratory-tested flow levels. A filter's rating, particularly in terms of clean airflow, depends on measuring how many molecules of a certain size can pass through it. Similarly, people using medical-grade breathing devices need to know how much air they'll get. In the worst scenarios, poorly-calibrated devices could injure patients' lungs.

Contact a local flow calibration lab service to learn more. 

About Me

Energy Science Fiction And Real Energy Science

My name is Joe Simmons. In many stories set in the future, machines seem to have little or no need for energy. Massive flying machines seem to have tapped into some new, revolutionary energy technology that allows them to float around magically. I have always found this aspect of futuristic story-telling to be fascinating and I wonder what the next energy source will be. Will it be hydrogen? Will it be fusion? Because of my fascination with all things related to energy, I have been researching the topic and i have decided to create a blog devoted to the subject.




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